Video Training Library

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100 Level Courses: System Operator Training

101 Login: How to login to your map, manage your password, etc.

102 The Basics- Part 1 of 3: Turn layers on and off, browse, sort, search, click. 

103 The Basics- Part 2 of 3: Zoom, pan, GPS, street view.

104 The Basics- Part 3 of 3: Find address, measure distances and areas, mark elevations and coordinates, print.

110 Attachments: Add pictures and documents.

120 NotesLog maintenance, inspections, and activity.

130 Display Settings Overview: Change colors, line styles, symbols.

131: How to color code.

132: Notes and pics permissions.

133: Limit geometry types. 

134: Clickable

135: Declutter with Min Zoom.

136: Cloning display settings

140 Share Button: Email an interactive map to a contractor or colleague.

141 Printing: How to print your map. 

180 Log Sheets- Intro: An introduction to how Diamond Maps manages Log Sheets.

190 Work Orders- Intro: An introduction to how Diamond Maps manages Work Orders.

200 Level Courses: Map editing and Administration

201 Draw: Create your first layer and start drawing.  (Good place to start)

202 Import: Import existing GIS layers.

210 Offline App: How to use Diamond Maps Offline when you don't have an internet connection. 

215 Field Layout: Customize list of fields and add pick lists.

220 Manage Users: Control who can view your maps.

222 User Permissions: Control who can edit your layers.

230 Manage Maps: Create new maps, change map properties. 

232 Making a Public Map: Make your map accessible to the public. 

240 Select and Modify: Select multiple entities on screen and perform a batch operation on them such as deleting, exporting, moving, or changing layers.

241 How to Establish Sewer Cleaning Zones: Using Select And Modify to establish sewer cleaning zones

242 Adjust Points: Using Select And Modify to correct the location of a bunch of points. 

245 GPS: How to setup and use a GPS with Diamond Maps. 

255 Import Geodatabase: How to install the GDB Tools application and import a personal geodatabase. 

256 WFS: How to allow other GIS applications to directly connect to Diamond Maps and view your map.

260 Edit Layer Using Excel: How to export a layer, edit it in Excel, and merge your changes back into the map. 

265 Managing BackupsHow to use Backup Manager to backup and restore your layers.

See also How To articles

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