How To Adjust Points (Video)

Using Select And Modify to correct the location of a bunch of points.

Video Transcript 

This video is going to talk about how to select a set of features on the screen, and then do some batch operation with them; such as generate a list of them, or delete them all, or move them all to another layer. Before we talk about how to select them on the screen, let's look at how to do that individually. For example, you can click on this fire hydrant, and in the action list down here, I can do something like delete it, or move it to another layer. I can also do that for my list. When I go to my layers and choose my hydrants, I can select several hydrants and say delete the selected hydrants, or move them to a separate layer, or generate a list. You can do that individually, or to select features in the list. Let's talk about how you would select some things on the screen and manipulate those features. To do this, we would go to the Menu and pick Select and Modify. We want to generate a list of all the valves in this neighborhood because maybe there's been an issue with some of them. I want to choose the layer that I'm going to select on Water Main Valves, and then I'm going to click on this button to do a rectangular selection. I want to select all the valves that are out here in this area, but I also want to select the valves that are in this neighborhood and a few more down here. As you can see, I drew multiple selection windows, and it's okay if your selection windows overlap because it'll never select the same feature twice. I did want to point out that it's only selecting valves because valves is the layer I have selected. It didn't select my hydrants, or manholes, or anything else in that area. It's telling me that I have 46 features selected. Now this action box is where I specify what I want to do with these selected features. I could delete them all, I could move them all to another layer, or I could generate a list. That's how you use the Select and Modify.
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