Add/Remove Fields

Use this screen to customize the list of fields associated with all features on this layer.  To access this screen first select a layer on the Layers screen, then click More, and then click Add/Remove Fields.

The order of the fields listed here is the same order that will appear on both the tabular Browse screen as well as the feature form which displays when you click on a feature on the map. 

To reorder the fields drag and drop a field to change the order. Or click the "up" or "dn" links next to a field name.

To remove a field click the "del" link for that field.

To add a field click the "Add New Field" link below the list.  This will display the Field Properties screen. 

To change the name of a field or modify other settings specific to a field click the "chg" link.  Some special layers may have certain fields that cannot be modified from here.  

Add Fields From A Template If there is a standard layer template or custom layer template that contains multiple fields matching the fields you would like to add to this layer, then click this link and then select that template. Then use the checkboxes to indicate which fields from that template you want to add to your layer.

See Field Properties for a description of the various field types.

None of the changes you make on this screen are applied until you click the "Apply Changes" button.  

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