Move or Copy Features To A Different Layer

The change layer screen is used to define how you want information transferred from one layer to another.  There are three ways to select features and get to this screen.

  1. Click on an individual feature on the map and then choose change layer from the action menu.
  2. From the layer browse screen you can select one or more features and then choose change layer from the action menu.
  3. Or you can use the Select and Modify tool to select several features and then choose change layer from it's action menu.

The difficult part about moving/copying a feature from one layer to another is that the list of fields in the source layer do not always match the list of fields in the destination layer.  So this screen lets you specify how the values from each field should be transferred.  After you select your destination layer you will be presented with a list of all the fields from your source layer displayed in the left column.  Then in the right column you should indicate which field of the destination layer the values from each field should be transferred to.  The system will pre-select any fields for you whenever it finds a field in the destination layer with the same name as a field in the source layer but you can override this by selecting a different field.  If no field name is selected on the right for a row then that means the values, in that field will not be copied to the destination layer.  If there is no suitable field in the destination layer you can choose [Add New Field] and it will create a field for you with the same name.

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