Set Field Value

This tool allows you to edit the text of multiple features all at once.  'Set Field Value' is not a stand alone menu item but rather it is an action that you can perform on a selection.

How to use 

  1. The first step is to select all the features that you want to edit.  You can do this in one of two ways.  You could use the Select & Modify tool to draw a rectangle and select several features on the map.  Or you could perform a text search and select all the features in your search results.  In either case you would then choose 'Set Field Value' on the action menu of the respective search results screen.
  2. On the Set Field Value screen click on a field name that you want to assign a value to
  3. Enter the new value in the area to the right of the field name.
  4. IMPORTANT: If you decide not to alter a field value after selecting that field then be sure to click the field name again to unselect it. Otherwise all selected features will be assigned a new value for that field even if that value is blank.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for any additional fields you want to set
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the form and click Apply.


  • Select all the manholes along a certain street using the Select and Modify tool and then set the 'Inspection Status' field for all of them to 'Completed'.
  • Do a search of your sewer lines layer for the text '8inch' and then choose the 'Set Field Value' action to correct the diameter field of all these features to simply read  '8'
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