How To Adjust Points

Any points, lines, or areas that you have drawn on the map consist of one or more vertices, which are the points you clicked when drawing those features.  The adjust points tool provides a way to move those vertices.  

To Adjust Points

  1. Click on the feature that you want to move. 
  2. At the bottom of the feature form you will see an action list. Select the "Adjust Points" action. This will cause all the vertices that make up your feature to be highlighted on the map.  
  3. Zoom in or out if necessary to see them more clearly.  
  4. Position your mouse or finger over one of these vertices and press down. Drag the vertex to a new location, and then let go.  
  5. Repeat for as many as you want.  
  6. When you are finished click the "Done" button at the bottom of the screen.  Or click the "Cancel" button to discard your changes.

To Adjust Single-Point Features

For single point features, it works the same way.  

  • Between each vertex you will see a slightly more subtle point.  By dragging this mid-point you can insert a new vertex into the polyline or area border.  
  • With each new vertex inserted two more midpoints will appear making it possible to change the geometry to any shape you want.  

Other Notes

  • This option is only available for layers that you are allowed to edit. 
  • To delete a vertex, right click on it and click "Delete."
  • The bold vertices are the existing points on the line. 
  • The subtler vertices are new points that can be added to the line once you move them. 
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