Sparkfun Facet Configuration

This article is a sub-step of the Sparkfun RTK Facet L-Band setup instructions. Before using the Facet you will need to setup The Facet L-Band uses a satellite-based RTK correction service called PointPerfect. In order for this correction service to work you have to connect the Facet to Wi-Fi so that it can download the necessary keys from the internet. Here is how you do that.

Setup Facet Config Screen

  • Power on the Facet. Once it is on press the Power/setup button until it is on the Config menu. This will put your Facet in configuration mode.
  • Once it is in configuration mode, the Facet will act as a Wi-Fi hot spot. Use your phone or tablet to connect to this Wi-Fi called "RTK Config".
  • Once connected open your internet browser on your phone/tablet and in the address bar type the IP address showing up on your Spark fun screen and press Enter. This address will read something like
  • This should pull up the configuration screen for the Facet.

Connect Facet To Home/Office Wi-Fi

  • On the configuration screen, click on the section called "WIFI Configuration".
  • In the box called "SSID 1" type in the name of your office or home WIFI network.
  • In the box called "PW 1" type in the password to your Wi-Fi network.

Setup Bluetooth Mode

  • Still on the configuration screen, click on the section called "System Configuration"
  • Find the setting called "Bluetooth Configuration"
  • If you will be using the Facet with an Android phone/tablet then choose "SPP". If you will be using an iOS phone/tablet then chose "BLE".

Save Changes And Restart

  • After your done typing these in, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save configuration" button, then click the "Exit and Reset" button.
  • The Facet will now turn off and back on. As it is turning on, the Facet screen should indicate that is is updating its keys followed by showing how many days remaining before they need to update again.
  • You can now disconnect your phone/tablet from the RTK Config Wi-Fi.

Recurring setup

About once a month you should power on your Facet while it is in range of the same home or office Wi-Fi and it will automatically re-update its PointPerfect license keys. A one-year subscription to the PointPerfect satellite correction service is included with your Facet but you will need to renew that subscription each year.


  • The Facet can only connect to 2.4 GigHz Wi-Fi networks
  • For advanced instructions and troubleshooting see Sparkfun RTK Facet L-Band Hookup Guide.
  • For more about renewing your Point Perfect correction service see subscription renewal
  • See Also Product Manual.
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