How to Export to Google Earth

You may want to export your GIS data from Google Earth into your map. 

How To Export Your Data From Google Earth

  1. Open your Google Earth Map
  2. Open your list of places as shown in the picture below.
  3. You will likely have several layers listed on your map organized into a various folders and layers like you see in picture 1 below. Collapse all the groups by clicking on the small triangle buttons until only the top level group ( or groups) remain as shown in picture 2
  4. Right click on the remaining top level folders to display the popup menu
  5. Choose “Save Place As…” from the menu
  6. The next screen will prompt you where to save the file to. Select your desktop folder or some location you are familiar with.
  7. Repeat steps 4,5,6 for other top level folders if any.
  8. You can now import the kmz file(s) that you exported above into the software. You can also email us your files.
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